Green Consultant Trainings and Certifications

Green Consultant

National and International Trainings

A new Training and Profession: Green Consultant

When the “Ecological Standards for Film, TV and VoD Productions” were introduced in the german market, it became obvious that a new profession and a new qualification is needed in order to train, plan, manage, control and evaluate these new, mandatory sustainable productions. 

In addition, introducing Sustainability in production companies and organizations such as broadcasters, film funds and universities called even more for specialists that are able to cover every relevant aspect of our industry and our crafts.

This is how the “Green Consultant” was born. 

There are other names such as “Green manager”, “Sustainability Officer” or “Eco-Consultant” which are equivalent to this new position.

Due to the fact that we are training Green Consultants in several countries, we are now able to adapt the Green ConsultanCurriculum  to every single country and provide specific trainings with Certifications. 

Agents of Change for Europe

More than 350 Green Consultants have been trained and certified in Germany and it did not take long until the Lower Austrian Film Commission as well as other institutions in Italy and Switzerland adopted this Curriculum as well.

The now existing 500 Green Consultants in Germany, Austria and Italy are incredibly effective “agents of transformation”. 

Together they have achieved tremendous savings in terms of CO2e-emissions, harmful materials, waste and other vital issues. But most of all they have improved workflows, introduced new technologies and boosted new approaches in terms of writing, creating, producing, managing and distributing Films and Media Content of all kinds.

Job Description and Topics of the Training

A Green Consultant Europe is familiar with:

- the Sustainability Workflows for Budgeting, CO2e-Budgeting, Production, Planning, Reporting and Evaluation.

- Sustainability Management Systems such as ISO 14001 and EMAS 

- the most relevant Sustainability Workflows and Technologies for the different departments and crafts such as Energy Management, Generators, Lighting, Transportation, Set Construction, Production Design, Costume, OB-Productions, VFX, Virtual Productions and more.

In addition a  Green Consultant Europe will focus on: 

- the national Media Markets within Europe

- the national Media funding systems within Europe

- the national environmental laws and regulations within Europe

- the national sustainability organizations for the Media and their tools such as Certifications, CO2-Calculators, Guidelines and Trainings

as well as:

- the European Media Funding Systems

- the European environmental laws and regulations

- the European sustainability organizations for the Media and their tools such as Certifications, Guidelines, CO2e-Calculators and Trainings

Who can apply

Experienced professional Green Consultants or Sustainability Managers who want to extend their range and their knowledge to the European level. 

There will be a Training for "Newcomers" as well including a Green Consultant Basic Training.

More infos soon.



  • Sustainability and Ecological Basics


  • Sustainability Workflows for Budgeting, CO2e-Budgeting, Production, Planning, Reporting and Evaluation.

  • Sustainability Management Systems such as ISO 14001 and EMAS

  • Sustainability Workflows and Technologies for the different departments and crafts such as Energy Management, Generators, Lighting, Transportation, Set Construction, Production Design, Costume, OB-Productions, VFX, Virtual Productions and more

  • The national and international Media Markets

  • The national and international Media funding systems

  • The national and international environmental laws and regulations for the Media

  • The national and international sustainability organizations for the Media and their tools such as Certifications, CO2-Calculators, Guidelines and Trainings


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